What's It All About, eh?

Cape Breton evokes deep memories and strong emotions for me as well as a deep appreciation for the beauty of my adopted island. My hopes are that you too might find the photos evocative - maybe a view you've not enjoyed before, or an 'Oh I've been there', or if from away that you may be encouraged to visit this fair isle so that you might come to love and breathe Cape Breton as I do. One word about place names that I use - some are completely local usage while others are from maps of Cape Breton that I've purchased over the years. I frequently post travel and other photos that are of interest to me - and hopefully you.

On the right hand side bar find my take on Single Malt whiskey - from how to best enjoy this noble drink to reviews (in a most non-professional manner) of ones that I have tried and liked - or not. Also musings, mine and others, on life in general.

Photographs are roughly 98%+ my own and copy-righted. For the occasional photo that is borrowed, credit is given where possible - recently I have started posting unusual net photographs that seem unique. Feel free to borrow any of my photos for non-commercial use, otherwise contact me. Starting late in 2013 I have tried to be consistent in identifying my photographs using ©smck on all out of camera photos I personally captured - (I often do minor computer changes such as 'crop' or 'shadow' etc but usually nothing major), and using
©norvellhimself on all photos that I have played around with in case it might not be obvious. Lately I have dropped the ©smck and have watermarked them with the blog name.

COMMENTS are appreciated as feedback is the driving energy of blogging - And if you like this site please pass it along to a friend. Thanks!

NOTE: TO ENLARGE PHOTO, CLICK ON SAME - If using Firefox also click f11 - photos will fill the screen ...... ----------------------------------- ......TRANSLATION BUTTON AT TOP OF LEFT COLUMN!

Excuses! Excuses!

The holiday season, Christmas, New Years, my Wife's Birthday, and a serious bout of a flu-like cold, along with some nasty Carpal Tunnel Syndrome pains have kept me from my appointed-rounds' on my blog.  A pinched nerve in the neck is the latest designated culprit and therapy starts this coming Thursday - at any rate I am feeling mildly better and hope to get back into the swing-of-things with more meat in my postings,  for now Happy New Year and best wishes for you where-ever you are.   as always, Himself!

Strathisla Pure Highland Malt Scotch Whisky - 12 Year Old

Lucked out and found a liquor store going out of business and got a nice buy on several single malts, one of which I just sampled, to wit:

Chivas Brothers Strathisla Pure Highland Malt Scotch Whisky, 12 year old, 43% ABV (which also happens to be the prime constituent of Chivas Regal 12)

My initial take agrees fairly well with a lot of reviews that I just read - a very good (75 to 85) rating - and more to the point, fairly smooth after the first taste, oaky, very mildly sweet, and some hints (hints!!) of peat, or at least wood smoke with a nice complex finish. 

More later - (Love the old style flat bottle - so old the cork disintegrated, its a shame the aging stops once it's taken from the cask and bottled in glass - and most importantly I got it for about 60% of the cheapest store around and as much as 40% of some web sites)

Merry Christmas World

© 24 Dec '09      ctmck
This photo was taken four minutes after midnight 24 Dec '09 (technically 25 Dec) by my son - I liked the slight fuzziness of the night scene so I did a judicious crop and a little bit of contrast to help limn the people and turned this into a Christmas card for this year.  If you are not of the Christian faith, I still send this to you as a message of goodwill toward all - may we live in peace and civility all our days.

St.  Mary Anne's Episcopal Church, North East, Maryland USA

Tuffed Titmouse (Parus bicolor)

© 22 Dec '12    smck

© 22 Dec '12    smck

© 22 Dec '12    smck
While interneting at my kitchen table I heard the now familiar thud of a bird hastily departing our bird-feeder flying into the window.  This little Titmouse was laying on the cold concrete porch unconscious.  In this cold weather he might not revive if he had a good concussion so I hasted outside and took him into my warm cupped hand and headed back to my laptop.  Within about 2 to 3 minutes I could feel him start to squirm so I held him a few moments longer and then took him out and placed him upright on the feeder bar.  About ten minutes later I decided to go to cut our Christmas tree and he was still huddled in the cold gusting wind.  I picked him up and gave him a little sunny nook in the wood-rick where he was sheltered from the small wind.  I retrieved my camera took his picture and then he decided to fly away.  This little story ended happily enough (although occasionally birds do not make it after their speedy crash into the window pane).

Talisker 10 year old, 45.8% Alc/Vol

I usually don't post pre-final drafts but Talisker is good stuff and I have been tied for time with many excuses for lack of imput - so for the interim here is Michael Jackson's take and my only comment GREAT and I soon will give Himself's take which will surely wonder where the 'peppery' came from - and this is a great great buy for the money.  It's Christmas - do it - buy one or get your loved one to get it for you -

Talisker 10 year old, 45.8% Alc/Vol

The Cuillins are the dramatic hills of Skye, the island home of Talisker. "The lava of the Cuillins" is how some tasters describe Talisker.

Michael Jackson's Complete Guide to Single Malt Scotch comments:

House Style - Volcanic. A winter warmer.
COLOUR - Bright amber red.
NOSE - Pungent, smoke-accented, rounded.
BODY - Full, slightly syrupy,
PALATE - Smoky, malty sweet, with sourness and a very big pepperiness developing.
FINISH - Very peppery. Huge, long.
score 90

Views From The Visitor Centre - L'Anse Aux Meadows

© 11 Jul '12     smck

© 11 Jul '12     smck

© 11 Jul '12     smck

Fiery Message

© 17 Dec '12      smck
As I was reading in front of my wood stove the view through the tempered glass seemed like a message from the burning bush.  This photo does not capture what my eye saw but it comes close.

World Vistors This Week To My Blog

This week ending 16Dec'12
 the visitors are:

United States

L'Anse Aux Meadows - I

© 11 Jul'12      smck

© 11 Jul'12      smck
© 11 Jul'12      smck

Those Days Are Gone Form Ever

© 11 Jul '12          smck
One of my most favorite scenes -  just had to post it again - try this on your desk-top background

Quiet Flowers Cove

© Jul '12     smck

© Jul '12     smck

© Jul '12     smck

© Jul '12     smck

View From Our Room In Cow Head, NFL

© Jul '12     smck

© Jul '12     smck

Gros Morne Theatre Festival

© Jul '12      smck
Jul '12     smck

When we had came into town off the main road to L'Anse Aux Meadows we were hoping that we might have a nice visit to the theatre out in this lovely rural town - but they were sold out.

Warehouse Theatre, Cow Head, NL

The Fly Fisher's Companion is a hilarious, heartfelt journey into the lives of two men on their last fishing trip together. Wes an optimistic poet and Don a testy businessman have returned to the fishing lodge they built 50 years ago for one last trip to cast their lines into Cape Breton's Margaree River. It’s a trip through decades, into virtual memory and imagination, and into a relationship that has all the turbulent beauty and gentle grace of a highland stream. Ultimately, The Fly Fisher's Companion is a tale of two fishermen that offers humour and poignant insights into life.
Box Office: 1-877-243-2899

Looking Toward Shallow Bay

© Jul '12     smck

© Jul '12     smck

© Jul '12     smck
After we finished our meal at Back Cove Restaurant we decided to explore a little and drove toward a small dock area (of Back Cove I presume) and then onto an unpaved road toward a few houses.  Not certain whether the unpaved road was private or public we turned back toward the dock.  The feeling of solitude and quiet of the world came over us as we stopped and took in the scenery. 

Visitors From Around The World This Week

This week ending 09 Dec'12
 the visitors are:

United States

Back Cove Restaurant Guest Book

© Jul '12     smck

© Jul '12     smck

© Jul '12     smck
The friendly cook talking with her husband, on seeing me take the Guest Book to my table to peruse told me to look on the page I've posted above.  The second sign in (08/30/10) sure enough was Wayne Gretzky and his wife.  Small World.  One of Canada's greatest and best known hockey players had stopped here and took the time to sign the guest sheet.  As always I am impressed with the 'down home' character of Newfoundland in particular and Canada in general.  If I ever get back to the Western Peninsula of Newfoundland I will definitely stop back in this friendly quiet eating place. 

Moose Burgers at Back Cove,NLD

© Jul '12    smck
© Jul '12    smck

© Jul '12    smck
After we got our motel room (B&B s were all full) for the night we decided to see what other food might be available besides the motel.  Black Cove Cafe looked clean and tidy and with the Moose Burger offering I couldn't turn it down.

Catching Up

yesterday I started to post a few pictures and found that I had run into the barrier wall of 1 gig for posting photos - if I wish to post more then a monthly fee (small - but) will be due - so I will be going a few photos a day soon, hopefully tomorrow.   Sorry about that.  Himself

Sunrising Through Trees

© Dec '12      photo by smck

Along The Boardwalk To Western Brook Pond - VII

I have shown the information sign above - first cropped to show the walk-in from the highway (route 430)  parking area to the tour boat dock, then second to show the scale of the large ancient fjord that today comprises the amazing Western Brook Pond.  What I have termed The Boardwalk to Western Brook Pond is called the Western Brook Pond Trail, and is a boardwalk across marshy areas and a graveled trail upon the small dry ridges.  It is approximately a 3 kilometer (a little less than 2 miles) easy walk from the highway to the pond.  The walk can be extended to go farther on around the shore to the left and up onto the highland.  We did not do this but I wish now that we had done so.

© Jul '12    photo by smck
The tour boat dock and access ramp.

© Jul '12    photo by smck

© Jul '12    photo by smck

The tour boat returning from its trip up to the end of the fjord.  Again we now wish that we had taken this boat ride to enjoy the sheer mountain walls and plunging water falls as well.  

Countries world-wide that visit my blog!

This week ending 02 Dec'12
 the visitors are:

United Kingdom 
United States

Along The Boardwalk To Western Brook Pond - VI

© Jul '12     photo by smck

© Jul '12     photo by smck
A nice walk and we're almost there.

© Jul '12     photo by smck

© Jul '12     photo by smck