What's It All About, eh?

Cape Breton evokes deep memories and strong emotions for me as well as a deep appreciation for the beauty of my adopted island. My hopes are that you too might find the photos evocative - maybe a view you've not enjoyed before, or an 'Oh I've been there', or if from away that you may be encouraged to visit this fair isle so that you might come to love and breathe Cape Breton as I do. One word about place names that I use - some are completely local usage while others are from maps of Cape Breton that I've purchased over the years. I frequently post travel and other photos that are of interest to me - and hopefully you.

On the right hand side bar find my take on Single Malt whiskey - from how to best enjoy this noble drink to reviews (in a most non-professional manner) of ones that I have tried and liked - or not. Also musings, mine and others, on life in general.

Photographs are roughly 98%+ my own and copy-righted. For the occasional photo that is borrowed, credit is given where possible - recently I have started posting unusual net photographs that seem unique. Feel free to borrow any of my photos for non-commercial use, otherwise contact me. Starting late in 2013 I have tried to be consistent in identifying my photographs using ©smck on all out of camera photos I personally captured - (I often do minor computer changes such as 'crop' or 'shadow' etc but usually nothing major), and using
©norvellhimself on all photos that I have played around with in case it might not be obvious. Lately I have dropped the ©smck and have watermarked them with the blog name.

COMMENTS are appreciated as feedback is the driving energy of blogging - And if you like this site please pass it along to a friend. Thanks!

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Toxicodendron radicans

- known better as Poison Ivy and other appellations such as poison oak etc - I luckily am not bothered much by this plant but for those that are it can be a disturbing skin reaction that itches intensely and become a very scabby rash - it does make a lovely autumn colour though

North East Creek - flowing fairly clear after all the rain

- While Overhead

while walking along the North East Creek I noticed three buzzards gliding gracefully in large sweeping circles which gradually were moving them farther away with each circle - but luckily I caught this bird before they became mere specks 

North East Creek - with Mallards (and a 'sun dog' from reflected sun)

I am using the term 'sun dog' a little incorrectly but the effect is created in a similar manner as far as I can tell.

Kinky Sycamore

Just A Song At Twilight

Just A Song At Twilight
Once in the dear dead days beyond recall,
When on the world the mists began to fall,
Out of the dreams that rose in happy throng
Low to our hearts Love sang an old sweet song;
And in the dusk where fell the firelight gleam,
Softly it wove itself into our dream.

Tide's In - II

I actually posted the two previous photos so that the viewer could see that I didn't enhance the blue of the mist rising off the water - this was just one of those glorious moments that occur, often unseen, around us all the time - enjoy!!

Tide's In - Land's Out (when the old Acme was at the edge of town, the meat manager managed to say this at least once a week - and it wore a grove in my brain that will never let me forget)

Beauty Spots, they're everywhere

Damp Day in Autumn - II

Damp Day in Autumn

As summer ends and autumn comes, the days get shorter and shorter. This is how the trees "know" to begin getting ready for winter.
During winter, there is not enough light or water for photosynthesis. The trees will rest, and royal reviewlive off the food they stored during the summer. They begin to shut down their food-making factories. The green chlorophyll disappears from the leaves.As the bright green fade away we begin to see yellow and orange colors. Small amounts of these colors have been in the leaves all along. We just can't see them in the summer, because they are covered up by the green chlorophyll.
The bright reds and purples we see in leaves are made mostly in the fall. In some trees, like maples, glucose is trapped in the leaves after photosynthesis stops. Sunlight and the cool nights of autumn cause the leaves turn this glucose into a red color.
The brown color of trees like oaks is made from wastes left in the leaves. 
It is the combination of all these things that make the beautiful fall foliage colors we enjoy each year. 



what possesses a 52 year old man
to begat a child, he wondered.
And the answer swelling beneath his hand
kicked a message of love bonding to his heart.

Love – lyric of age upon age
is the message of the medium
for all else is dumb brute.  Love is
a rainbow of meaning from lust to God
from unborn babe to bursting naked
passion in the night.  Love flows down
the generations – father to son,
mother to child
and with unflagging hands we pass it on
a wave front passing through time and space
 and all that begs it is anathema.
I wrote this about thirty odd years ago when my youngest son was conceived and it is still my truth

Arundel Pier - II ... this is perhaps a mile and a half or so away with the power boat exiting on the right while the peaceful sail boat dreams on

The Old Turtle Philosopher knows it is coming time to 'Go To Mud'


Across the river and about a mile from the old Arundel pier (North East Isles now - but in the day)

Full Fall


moving a board stored in the wood rick we disturbed the little fellow

Just part of the view the day we were picking cranberries -

King(s) on the log

when I was a kid we used to play 'king on the hill' (sort of a human instinct game of who is boss) where on some small mound of earth or boxes or what ever everyone would try to become the only one standing upright on that mound after furious minutes of flailing, throwing, tripping and what ever method not involving actual fisticuffs although many a nose was bloodied in the process depending on where we played
but here on this log the Mallards seem to be king(s) simply by being first while the geese are waiting patiently for their turn  [just dumb beasts, eh?]

Surface Tension and Fall

Is This New Jersey - III

Is This New Jersey - II

Is This New Jersey?

coming off the Palisade Parkway and winding through the pre-George Washington bridge area we finally are on the New Jersey Turnpike and heading south through some of the (to me) most dreary crowded conditions on the east coast

Farewell Sunset - looking toward the east the setting sun's rays turn the green spruce a reddish brown

Sun Prismatisims

[I sometimes make up words - like 'prismatisims' - but it conveys the feeling for me]