What's It All About, eh?

Cape Breton evokes deep memories and strong emotions for me as well as a deep appreciation for the beauty of my adopted island. My hopes are that you too might find the photos evocative - maybe a view you've not enjoyed before, or an 'Oh I've been there', or if from away that you may be encouraged to visit this fair isle so that you might come to love and breathe Cape Breton as I do. One word about place names that I use - some are completely local usage while others are from maps of Cape Breton that I've purchased over the years. I frequently post travel and other photos that are of interest to me - and hopefully you.

On the right hand side bar find my take on Single Malt whiskey - from how to best enjoy this noble drink to reviews (in a most non-professional manner) of ones that I have tried and liked - or not. Also musings, mine and others, on life in general.

Photographs are roughly 98%+ my own and copy-righted. For the occasional photo that is borrowed, credit is given where possible - recently I have started posting unusual net photographs that seem unique. Feel free to borrow any of my photos for non-commercial use, otherwise contact me. Starting late in 2013 I have tried to be consistent in identifying my photographs using ©smck on all out of camera photos I personally captured - (I often do minor computer changes such as 'crop' or 'shadow' etc but usually nothing major), and using
©norvellhimself on all photos that I have played around with in case it might not be obvious. Lately I have dropped the ©smck and have watermarked them with the blog name.

COMMENTS are appreciated as feedback is the driving energy of blogging - And if you like this site please pass it along to a friend. Thanks!

NOTE: TO ENLARGE PHOTO, CLICK ON SAME - If using Firefox also click f11 - photos will fill the screen ...... ----------------------------------- ......TRANSLATION BUTTON AT TOP OF LEFT COLUMN!

Appreciations To Unsung Poets

Olive Fraser, 1909 - 1977

Apple land and fallow gray

Apple land and fallow gray
And fall of mist at holyday . . .
Eaves and sheaves and crowded leaves
And God you bless at holyday.
 When I am tired of hills and ways 
Long, long yet in the afterdays
And mirth and masques and orchards deep
And market ale and country sleep
And steadfast children gravely brown
And clocks about an  old Basque town--

When I am tired of the apple-prime
Blown like a happy harvest-time
In the rich ruin of wrecked hay
A tumbled passion of granary;
I will go down with lonely face 
Old landscapes to the loneliest place
Remembering how dawn could be
The vesper of our company
And whose wit crept to bed at four
To rise at nine with further store,
And who had curls, and who had gold hair
And who could play a pixy air
And all slept deep and all could be
A charming silent company.

(and as I read these words aloud within my mind my heart is bowed and in my soul my spirit cries that maker of this intercourse has died)



Just a word on 'Comments' from the viewer - as usual I am in daze as to  how my blog works it seems,  as someone (maybe even me) has commented on my blog but the only note I get from google when I attempt to read same is 'You have been logged out'.   ????

so if you do wish to comment then please do so through email to

 thank you

Countries Visiting Blog

These are the countries visiting this blog in the last few weeks - in alphabetical order according to Google.  However since Google only lists the top 10 countries at any time I am sure there are more countries than this recently.  I seldom get responses to posted requests, but maybe a few visitors from countries not listed that actually have done so could comment at the bottom of this page so that I can update this and let the rest know you are there - for I have spotted several from South America , The Middle East, and the south pacific, from time to time but always forget to jot you guys down.  So please give me an update - love you!

South Korea
United Arab Emirates
United States

and oh yeah there are a bunch listed by Google as 'Unknown Region'. it's like a mystery - is it Mars, or the moon, or what?

and with this post here comes


Sea Gulls at Evening - VI

This is one heck of a bunch of Gulls !!

Sea Gulls at Sundown - V

Sea Gulls at Sundown - IV

Sea Gulls at Sundown - III

Sea Gulls at Sundown - II

Sea Gulls or seagulls are both acceptable layman's terms for Gulls, which tend to be the more rigorous designation for any or all of the various types of same.

Just Another River at Sundown

I am attracted to the nuances of sunset down the North East River toward the bay - but as I snapped this early evening photograph an enormous colony of sea gulls - middle left - lifted from the cove in flight, adding to this evenings particular appeal.

A group of seagulls is called a colony, contrary to a popular belief that it is called a flock. 


Oldies But Goodies - 20 February 2013 - "Not A Shore Bird"

Spring 2009

A few years ago I spotted this Emu in our woods and luckily had time to get my camera and snap away.  The first shot was from a fair distance as I had no idea if an Emu was hazardous or not.  However he seemed basically uninterested in me as I gradually came closer getting some nice close-up photos.  Amazingly this bird is almost invisible in the woodland background - just like a deer - until the eye suddenly spots him.  Considering that his native habitat is not of North America temperature woodlands it is impressive how he blends into the background.   This Emu, escaped from a captive farming venture just a mile or so away along with others, most of whom were recaptured, somehow eluded the owner for about three years at the time the photos were taken.   His movements up and down our wooded peninsula were spotted from time to time and would make minor local news in the county paper.  Unhappy to say, I have never seen or heard of him being seen since.  Quite likely some hunter took him down in a sporting shot, ending his existence of living peacefully and occasionally bringing joy to people like myself.  

Lands In - Tides Out III

Cold and Clear - and sun is pumping rays

Lands In - II

Lands In - Tides Out

That's How The Light Gets In

First Toast of the Day

Fire & Cane - Glenfiddich Experimental Series Single Malt Whisky

 My wife treated me to a new single malt the other day which I had read about but might not have gotten around to trying - simply because the closest I have come to drinking a Glenfiddich Single Malt is the numerous times that I have sipped their great blended Monkey Shoulder malt.  So far I have tried 'Fire & Cane' this one time (as shown in the photograph above) and found it very appealing.  Due to taking medication to relieve some Sciatica nerve pain that has been driving me to sleepless nights , I have not followed up with several nights of sipping and reflecting on how it appeals to me and taking a few notes on same to post here.  It is quite nice and hopefully in a week or so I will stop back and update a few words that will give you a better take on how I enjoy 'Fire & Cane'.  For now though you might click on the link below and see how Karla Alindahao writing for Forbes simply loves this great new malt. 

Down from the house

- and toward the distant creek they built their spring house, their source of water, their cool place for a day's storage of milk, the lifeblood of the farm - stones gathered from the fields and carted to the spring, built to last a life time or two or three but the future continues unabated and the roof gives way and the stone walls palsy toward the earth of their birth

and there was awe around me

Bow Thou To Peace Or To The Wrack of Time

Deep Peace

Deep peace of the running wave to you,
Deep peace of the flowing air to you,
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you,
Deep peace of the shining stars to you,
Deep peace of this day to you.

Wild Grape with Mulberry

So Tame


After gassing up my vehicle at Wawa I walked inside to purchase a coffee and noticed a road bike with rear panniers and other gear.  While in line to pay, a young man with bike helmet was headed out the door, so I walked over and asked if he were on a long ride.  He was from Montreal area is what I remember, on his way to Florida.  I wished him well and good riding and got back in line to pay for the coffee.  A few minutes later I turned to head into the local mall and  snapped this long view of him cycling away on this wet drear day.  Bon Voyage!!

Settling In