09 June2013 |
I was trimming dead branches from my Lilac bushes and as I reached into the thick new growth to lop out the dead branch at its source I realized that there was this nest with three eggs. Cutting the dead limb quickly, I went in for my camera and got this photo - but was hoping that my intrusion had not driven the parenting birds away for good. After about 5 minutes in the house I fetched my binoculars to the porch and focused in onto the nest area of the Lilac cluster. There seemed to be a bird but the shadow was deep and it was difficult to be certain. Then a bit of orange color caught my eye and by shifting my position I was able to see what seemed to be the pale dun of the female Cardinal. So all seems well for the time being.
[the plethora of dead branches in my Lilacs was caused I'm sure by the great number of Italian Hornets last year that ravaged the thin bark of the Lilac. See post "European Hornet - Vespra Crabro of 12 September 2012" for a photo of this great hornet]