A couple of serendipitous new bottles have appeared in my den room that meet the 'Single Malt' standards - both without the word 'Scotch', which requires being made in Scotland of course.
At a recent family gathering a good family friend that travels the country a bit and I started discussing our various tastes in Scotch. He was really impressed by a unique malt that had a truly unique flavour made in the South-west of the U.S. - Colkegan Single Malt Whiskey (yep - with an 'e') from Santa Fe Spirits - https://santafespirits.com/spirits/single-malt-whiskey - About a week ago the Fed-Ex pulled into our drive with a small package that just happened to be the size of a whisky bottle and which I had to sign as an 'adult' above the word Whisky. Don had really surprised me with this. I have now tried it twice, impressed indeed by the unique southwestern twist on 'smokiness'.
The second of the new bottles is not really as serendipitous in nature as I happened upon it on one of my browsing jaunts in a liquor store in Delaware looking for a nice blended malt but instead came across a nice new Irish single malt, The Quiet Man, 8 year old Irish Single Malt Whiskey - see http://thequietmanirishwhiskey.com/ . The name, The Quiet Man, was not influenced by the old movie of the same name but rather by the distiller's father who had been known locally as 'the quiet man'. I have tried it several times also with pleasing results.
The good lord willing and the creeks don't rise as my own father used to say, I will try to give my own review of these two nice malts soon.