I am presently in an electronic low access area - so uploading photographs (and even messages) is somewhat iffy - but please don't go away for I am still snapping photographs.
Secondly I am pissed that somebody out there, where you the viewer reside, informed Facebook that this blog is breaking their (facebook's) posting standards - which amazes me completely as I cannot imagine any blog is as 'plain-vanilla' as this one - I enjoy blogs of this nature and evidentially most of you guys and girls around the world do also, so who ever you were, instead of blasting me in the back with such a complaint why don't you comment directly to me what you found so upsetting to you about 'Single-malt, Cape Breton, NorvellHimself" . If you do so I would be able to defend myself, or address the 'offence' that you would tell me about. So how about it - leave a comment at the bottom of this post.